A brave warrior astride a swift steed thunders across the plain. Similar images were painted on buffalo hides by Plains Indians in the 1800s. Our Celebrate the Horse blanket is based on a design from the Blackfoot tribe, expert horsemen who called the animal "elk-horse" for its great size. The arrival of the horse with 16th-century Spanish Conquistadors changed forever the culture of Native Americans, encouraging migration, trading, herding and hunting.
Part of our Legendary Collection, this design honors stories and symbols of Native American cultures. Each year a new USA-made collector's blanket is added to the series.
- Comes with a Legendary Collection label
- 64" x 80"
- Napped; fabric is combed for a softer, thicker feel
- Felt bound
- Pure virgin wool/cotton
- Fabric woven in our American mills
- Dry clean
- Made in USA
Pendleton Celebrate the Horse Legendary Collection Twin Blanket
SKU: AC2198